Sunday 15 November 2009

The Klimpt Method

Here is a new technique i am working on based on the old caught in crystal technique (but not messy) and the use of geometrical shapes as in some of the works by Gustav Klimpt.
So far i am really happy with the effect i am getting but i just want to try a few more things before i do a workshop with it.
Here are a few pics.

The flamingo stamp on the right is onto watercolour paper and painted with watercolours and the one on the right is using the Klimpt method onto stampbord and is much more textured and sparkly than my camera could pick up.
Techniques used were the same as the flamigo above and i love the way the lady looks as if she is wearing a mask in the Klimpt sample.

Here is a close up of the Deco lady but again my picture doesnt do her justice.

I will post more samples as i go along and please tell me what you think.

Smiles, Robert.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Made these last week and my new finds in Norfolk

Made these two necklaces while i was down in Norfolk last week.
I just did a few hours a night beading while chilling out in the caravan and i love how they have turned out.
The daisy one will be a birthday present for one of my neices and the Egyptian looking one will be for my sister as i know she will just love it.

I bought this bust from a car boot sale in Scotland (i love car boot sales) for £1.00 and its ideal for showing off my jewellry.
Heres a close up. I must admit they are much more shiny in real life.

Anyway we took Harry for a little Holiday to Norfolk in the caravan last week and the weather was really kind to us and we all had a great time.

Harry went in the sea for the first time and i will put a video up of it when i figure out how to do it as it is really funny.

We always go to a few car boots while we are down there and these are some of my finds from this trip.

A gorgeous victorian photo album thats just itching to be altered for 50 pence. Heres a pic of it open and look how the pages are all aged and grungy.I love the Gothic arch shapes of the windows to.

A bag full of vintage glass beads for £3.00

6 cabinet cards for 50 pence.

A bag of semi precious stone pendants for £1.00

A silver plated double frame for 25 pence.

A pair of reproduction art nouveau frames for 50 pence.

I also got a huge bag of assorted seed beeds and findings for £2.00, a really unusual and weird doll for £3.00 and 5 paper back novels for £1.00.

So i am going to have fun now this winter when the gardening season is over and do some altered art projects.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Playing with the Pendant Dies

I Have been playing around with the pendant dies for a few days and these are a couple of things i have done with them.

For the card above i have used K&Co papers, Distress inks, Shrink Plastic, sticky backed pearls,Fleur de lis pendant die, Fleur de lis Borderabilities die.

The next peice isnt finished yet as im not sure if i should use it as a card, a box top or the cover for one of my altered books ??? What do you think.

For this sample i used Labels 1 Nestabilities, In Spades Pendant Die, Distress inks, Copper, Tim Holtz Ornate Plates and Keyholes, Pinata Inks ,Distress Stickles and Sticky back pearls.

Hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them.

Smiles Rob

Thursday 18 June 2009

What ive made since the last post

Well ive been going to beading classes now for 3 weeks and i cant beleive the fab things i have made.

Cant wait for tomorrows class to see what i will make next.

Friday 29 May 2009

For My Sister in Law to be

My brother gets married in September to his girlfriend Sharon.

I wanted to give her a little keepsake from me as we get on so well and i love her dearly.

So today i made her this little blingy bracelet and i am going to ask her if she will wear it on her wedding day as her something Blue.

If she already has something Blue i will say No Problem Darling just wear it as something borrowed and give it me back later haha.

This is the first beaded bracelet that i have ever made and i have really enjoyed the process.

Hope you all like it.



Thursday 16 April 2009

ATCs I Just Cant Part With

I know how sad is that but sometimes i make an ATC and just dont want to part with it.
Sometimes its the colours i have used others its the image and sometimes i have just loved the process and discovered new ways of using things.
So now i always make a second one and that way it doesnt hurt when you have to say goodbye to a beloved ATC haha.

Here are a few of my favorite ATCs and they may not be everybodys cup of tea but i loved making them.

Its the little things like mona lisa leaning out of the window to have a quick puff of her cigarette and the smoke trailing away in the wind ( i wander if she really did do that can you imagine hehe).

So there you go a few of my favorites and i bet im not the only one who makes duplicates or am i.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Marc Anthony

Originally uploaded by Eclectic Storm
An Atc i made ages ago and made 2 because i wanted one to keep.
Its supposed to symbolise Marc Anthony in one of Cleopatras rooms of her palace waiting to see her reaction when she see's a large emerald he has left on her pillow as she sleeps.
The stories we weave when making ATCs haha

Another Challenge from Lori

My friend in Australia Lorri asked me if i would join in the challenge again on her blog

This time its a photo of her mom and dad in the 1950s heres the pic

So i thought id send them both off on a little trip to Italy and add a bit of colour to them.

I really enjoyed this challenge and hope Lorri likes what i have done.

Heres the pic after i altered it

Let me know what you think too.



Wednesday 11 March 2009

My Gran

Heres a page from a memory book i am doing about my family history.

My Gran was an amazing woman and i didnt get the time i would have liked to have had with her.
She was the UKs top woman stilt walker and apparently had a pair of stilts she had to get out of the bedroom window to use (how amazing is that i just love it).
Her Mother and Father eloped, as my great grandma was a lady and my great grandpa was a shepherd and couldnt read or write.
And her uncle came and gave her a bag of sovereigns to keep her and her 7 children going.

I have used the new spellbinders wizard dies to make this page.The flower i have made using the nested Peony die and the pages that tell her story are made using the negetive parts of the grand 12" heirloom scroll border.I have done it so that each layer opens as a page and you can read my memories of my Gran.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Valentine ATCs

Heres a few Valentine ATCs i made today.

The stamped images are by invoke art stamps get them here

I also used distress inks acetate and gold flake.

I am going to put them on my flickr site later for trade so if you would like to trade go here

Thanks for looking.


i read this book in one sitting on the plane to America.

Its not really the kind of book i go for but the first few words just got me curious and i had to buy it
These are the words that start the story.

'Excuse me sir, but may i be of assistance.
Ah i see i have alarmed you.
Do not be frightened by my beard.
I am a lover of America...'

As soon as i had read the first page i was hooked. It is a very gripping story and it really stopped me from being bored on the plane. I recommend this to anyone who loves to see into other peoples lives and loves a book they just cant put down.

Here Come The Girls

My friend Lori from Australia has put a photo up on her blog asking her visitors to change it any way they choose.
I decided to do a digital collage and this is how it turned out.

I did it all with paint shop pro ultimate x2. It is a brilliant programme if you are new to photo manipulation and a good price too.If you buy it at the moment you get a free 2 gigabite flash drive with it.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Back to life and snow and jetlag

Well today is the best ive felt since coming back from L.A as i have had the worst jet lag ever.
Its the first day i havnt had a fuzzy head and have done everthing right without making mistakes and feeling hungover without having a drink haha.
What did we do on our day off in L.A ? we decided to go to the zoo in the morning and then Santa Monica in the afternoon.We had a fab time and the weather was gorgeous.
Arrived home on Thursday evening and went and collected Harry from his aunty Margarets, the welcome we got was wonderful as i had really really missed him so much.
Spent eleven hours on Friday catching up with internet orders and sending them all out and then we packed the van with goodies for the Stevenage show.
So the weekend saw Gordon at the show and Harry and i at the shop how we did it i just dont know .

Then on Suday the snow started and Harry was fascinated by it.He absolutely loves it and you cant keep him in.

The pictures above are of the entrance to the Zoo, Santa Monica Pier and Santa Monica Boulivard.

Harry in the park,Pleasley Nature reserve which is a two minute walk from the shop and a snow scene in the cemetary just up the road from where we live.

So i think ive caught up with everything now and am going to have a very large Gin and Tonic (hic)

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Another Fun Day

Its just gone 1.00 in the morning and i am still buzzing from the fabulous day we have had today,meeting new people and finding some fab new and unusual products that i know my ladies and gents will just love.

Yesterday i met a fab ladie called Misty and i had to go and ask if i could take a few pics of her Junque Journal which she had made using scraps and envelopes,music sheets etc and heres a pic of Misty and her journal The papers and embellishments are by K & Co and we will definately be having some

Now the next collage is of some friendly plastic samples made by a Jana Ewy on the Amaco stand.She shared some wonderful tips and techniques with me and i cant wait to share them with you when i get back.The Jewellery and book covers were just amazing.

Not far from Jana we met two more ladies who inspired us no end with their creativity and knowledge here is another collaged photo of what they were making and wow this stuff is amazing but its a surprise and i will tell you more about it when it arrives here in the UK.

We found some more interesting things but i am not going to put everything up or you will have nothing to look forward to when we get back to the shop and also at the shows.

Finally we went and had a natter and some fun with the girls at Spellbinders.The new dies are just wonderful and the girls are so creative with them they are always coming up with fabulous ideas.Heres two fun photoes to finish off tonights entry of Gordon and i on the Spellbinders stand

Well after two gruelling but interesting days we have finally looked at all of the trade show and placed our many orders.Tomorrow we are having an exploring day but not quite sure what we will do yet.I would like to go Whale watching but Gordon wants to go to San Diago Zoo so depending on the weather and what time we get up anything is possible.

I will try and post tomorrow and tell you what we eventually decided to do then.

Smiles Robert

Monday 26 January 2009

Hi From Anaheim

Well happy new year and here we are in Anaheim at the CHA trade show to see all the new goodies that are coming our way in the papercraft world.

This was part of my walk to the CHA yesterday morning and it really made a change from the weather at home.

These are the 24 new lites and brights alcohol inks from Ranger plus a pen to let you paint with them too.I cant wait to play with these.

These were a few samples on the ranger stand that caucht my eye, Grungeboard and other inksential items done Tim style of coarse.

And heres the bigger picture showing some of the other things on the sample board.

We have found some interesting new items today to go with things we already sell and i think our customers are going to love them but we are going to keep them all a surprise until they arrive at the shop sometime next month hopefully.
Tomorrow we are going to see our friends at Spellbinders and have a good natter with them as they were a little busy today as you can imagine.
See you tomorrow with more pics and gossip from Anaheim.
Smiles Rob and Gordon
P.S we are reallllllllly missing Harry and cant wait to get home to him.