Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Back to life and snow and jetlag

Well today is the best ive felt since coming back from L.A as i have had the worst jet lag ever.
Its the first day i havnt had a fuzzy head and have done everthing right without making mistakes and feeling hungover without having a drink haha.
What did we do on our day off in L.A ? we decided to go to the zoo in the morning and then Santa Monica in the afternoon.We had a fab time and the weather was gorgeous.
Arrived home on Thursday evening and went and collected Harry from his aunty Margarets, the welcome we got was wonderful as i had really really missed him so much.
Spent eleven hours on Friday catching up with internet orders and sending them all out and then we packed the van with goodies for the Stevenage show.
So the weekend saw Gordon at the show and Harry and i at the shop how we did it i just dont know .

Then on Suday the snow started and Harry was fascinated by it.He absolutely loves it and you cant keep him in.

The pictures above are of the entrance to the Zoo, Santa Monica Pier and Santa Monica Boulivard.

Harry in the park,Pleasley Nature reserve which is a two minute walk from the shop and a snow scene in the cemetary just up the road from where we live.

So i think ive caught up with everything now and am going to have a very large Gin and Tonic (hic)


craftimamma said...

Glad you're back to normal after the USA visit. Jetlag's awful isn't it and, take my word for it, it gets worse as you get older.

Our Jack Russell puppy loves the snow too.

Now, if you're back to normal are we going to get those workshop dates soon? Lol!


Robert said...

Ha ha
Hello Lesley
The first workshop is up and running
It is on Saturday 21st March at 10.30 - 1.00
Friendly plastic for beginners part one.
Other classes are being discussed and will go up on the board as soon as ppossible.
Hope to see you soon
Smiles Robert